
Created by Caio Begotti and last modified
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bzr branch lp://qastaging/~ubuntuone-hackers/capomastro/deploy
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Ubuntu One hackers

Recent revisions

43. By Caio Begotti

merge the removal of the old script and instructions on how to use mojo, leaving behind just a note about where to find the current code

42. By Caio Begotti

merging it manually as we dont have tarmac support for this branch

40. By Caio Begotti

Simplified Jenkins API relation so the upstream maintainers of its charm can possibly merge our custom charm without fuss.

39. By Caio Begotti

now that https://code.launchpad.net/~ce-infrastructure/capomastro/capomastro-jenkins-exposure-1155/+merge/242412 has been merged and SSO support has been landed as well, this is not necessary anymore, as discussed in the MR

38. By Caio Begotti

quick and dirty direct change to reflect the new launchpad group just created for access management

37. By Caio Begotti

This should go along with the changes of https://code.launchpad.net/~ce-infrastructure/capomastro/charm-sso/+merge/242104 as it is here that we set the OpenID options we'll use. As of now we're allowing users from the CE team as well anyone inside capomastro-users, which don't exist yet but we can be used as a placeholder for when we decide about how to organize the users of the service.

36. By Caio Begotti

So this is just a general cleanup to get the old branch that was sitting under lp:bygmester/capomastro-deploy in shape with the rewritten charms. Please take a look at the comments posted on https://bugs.launchpad.net/capomastro/+bug/1385221 because this deploy branch works ok but it is not necessarily useful for IS and production deployment IMHO.

35. By David Murphy

Cleaned up post-deploy-config to use branch instead of local tarball.

34. By David Murphy

Expose haproxy instead of capomastro.

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
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Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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