
Created by Caio Begotti and last modified
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204. By Caio Begotti

Merging the new package release branch myself as apparently Tarmac got stuck again.

* Fix #1456177 (auto-update the default site of django via settings.py)
* Fix #1450608 (postrm was aborting the debian package removal)
* Fix #1421337 (improve notifications of direct dependencies builds)

203. By Caio Begotti

"Auto-update the default Django site instead of manually adjusting it after installation. [r=roadmr][bug=1456177][author=caio1982]"

202. By Caio Begotti

"Make it possible to cleanly remove the package (useful for development and testing) again [r=roadmr][bug=1450608][author=caio1982]"

201. By Caio Begotti

"Improve how direct dependencies builds have their status shown in the detail view. [r=roadmr][bug=1421337][author=caio1982]"

200. By Caio Begotti

Self-merged change for a package release as Tarmac apparently didn't pick this up.

Fix #1450070, #1452878, #1452880 and add some documentation on build flow and release/deployment process for Capomastro.

199. By Daniel Manrique

"Create archiveartifacts for non-rebuilt dependencies when building a project (LP: #1450070).

Fix some documentation and view issues. [r=caio1982][bug=1450070][author=roadmr]"

198. By Daniel Manrique

"Return proper error codes in the initscript. Invoke start-stop-daemon with proper PID. [r=caio1982][bug=1452878,1452880][author=roadmr]"

197. By Caio Begotti

"Add a diagram that documents a project build flow inside Capomastro. [r=codersquid,roadmr][bug=][author=caio1982]"

196. By Caio Begotti

"Document the release process of Capomastro, also add deployment instructions. [r=roadmr][bug=][author=caio1982]"

195. By Caio Begotti

"Release a new package that fixes the dependency version of Billiard, not picked up by dh_python correctly. [r=roadmr][bug=][author=caio1982]"

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