
Created by Corey Goldberg and last modified

to install dependencies for SST:

virtualenv ENV
source ENV/bin/activate
bzr branch lp:~ubuntuone-hackers/selenium-simple-test/sst-deps
pip install sst-deps/*.tar.gz

to install and run SST with these dependencies:

# get a branch of SST trunk
$ bzr branch lp:selenium-simple-test

# get a branch of code containing dependency package tarballs
$ bzr branch lp:~ubuntuone-hackers/selenium-simple-test/sst-deps

# create a virtual environment
$ virtualenv ENV

# activate the virtualenv
$ source ENV/bin/activate

# install the dependency packages into active virtualenv
(ENV)$ pip install sst-deps/*.tar.gz

# run SST self tests
(ENV)$ cd selenium-simple-test
(ENV)$ ./sst-run --test -q -s -r xml

Get this branch:
bzr branch lp://qastaging/~ubuntuone-hackers/selenium-simple-test/sst-deps
Members of Ubuntu One hackers can upload to this branch. Log in for directions.

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Branch information

Ubuntu One hackers

Recent revisions

42. By Corey Goldberg

bumped django to 1.6.1 and selenium to 2.39

41. By Corey Goldberg

bump deps

40. By Corey Goldberg

bumped selenium to 2.37.2 and django to 1.5.5

39. By Corey Goldberg

bumped selenium version to 2.37

38. By Corey Goldberg

bumped selenium version to 2.37

37. By Corey Goldberg

bumped selenium to 2.36

36. By Corey Goldberg

updated deps for Django and subunit

35. By Corey Goldberg

updated deps for chromedriver, selenium, pep8

34. By Corey Goldberg

updated testtools and subunit

33. By Corey Goldberg

added subunit dependency tp sst-deps branch

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
Stacked on:
This branch contains Public information 
Everyone can see this information.