
Created by Vincent Ladeuil and last modified
Get this branch:
bzr branch lp://qastaging/~ubuntuone-hackers/tarmac/jenkaas
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Branch information

Ubuntu One hackers

Recent revisions

461. By Vincent Ladeuil

Stop setting status to 'Merged' outsmarting launchpad which does a better job and provide better feedback averall.

This was added to limit the races when polling approved merge proposals but didn't completely avoid the issue anyway.

The real solution is to use webhooks.

460. By Vincent Ladeuil

Support a CONTAINER_DIR environment variable for jenkaas jobs requiring a specific path inside the container (go path).

459. By Vincent Ladeuil

Default to CONCURRENCY=1 if the environment variable is not set.

458. By Vincent Ladeuil

Adapt to the new worker handling.

457. By Vincent Ladeuil

lp-access has been renamed lp-bzr-access.

456. By Vincent Ladeuil

Fix the edge case where the merge introduces changes that are overridden remotely.

455. By Vincent Ladeuil

Properly setup jenkaas lp access for --setup-commands and propagate CONCURRENCY for the --verify-command.

454. By Vincent Ladeuil

Use full branch history for comparing tips. Unbind branch if merge fails.

453. By Vincent Ladeuil

argparse is confused, set options before the vm name.

452. By Vincent Ladeuil

Fix broken construct.

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
Stacked on:
This branch contains Public information 
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