
Created by Len Ovens and last modified
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Ubuntu Studio Development

Recent revisions

28. By Len Ovens

* Rewrote in tcl/tk
   - Don't display packages that are installed already.
   - Warn user if all packages are already installed and exit.
   - Takes care of install errors.
   - removed useless entries in this file.
   - changed control file to reflect new depends

27. By Len Ovens

Changed text in selection window from metas to packages

26. By Len Ovens

Add progress bar while scanning for packages so user can see

25. By Len Ovens

Warn user if all packages are already installed and exit.

24. By Len Ovens

Don't display packages that are installed already.

23. By Dimitri John Ledkov

releasing package ubuntustudio-installer version 0.01

22. By Len Ovens <email address hidden>

releasing fixes (LP: #1209414)

21. By Len Ovens <email address hidden>

Change desktop file to set terminal false

20. By Len Ovens <email address hidden>

Change progress bar from terminal to gui

19. By Len Ovens <email address hidden>

Add error dialog for words on command line being non-packages

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
This branch contains Public information 
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