
Created by Kaj Ailomaa and last modified

ubuntustudio-meta-0.117 release for saucy

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bzr branch lp://qastaging/ubuntustudio-meta/13.10
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Branch information

Ubuntu Studio Development

Recent revisions

9. By Kaj Ailomaa

updated contents to release 0.117

8. By Kaj Ailomaa <email address hidden>

update.cfg: Switch to saucy

7. By Kaj Ailomaa <email address hidden>

updating source to last realese

6. By Kaj Ailomaa

Cleanup - started from scratch with contents from the latest release

5. By Kaj Ailomaa

merged -generation and -recording into the -audio meta

4. By Kaj Ailomaa

Merged -recording and -generation metas with -audio

3. By Kaj Ailomaa

removed rtprio scripts and files, since they are no longer needed

2. By Kaj Ailomaa

updating branch to version 0.112

1. By Luke Yelavich

* Create bzr branch.

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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This branch contains Public information 
Everyone can see this information.
