
Created by Michał Sawicz and last modified
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Branch information

Ubuntu TV Development
Ubuntu Television

Recent revisions

959. By Michał Sawicz

[dash] dismiss the preview when disactivating the dash

958. By Michał Sawicz

[epg] fix initial reference time, disable highlight on channel head when not focused

957. By Michał Sawicz

[launcher] change lens order in the SimpleLauncher

956. By Florian Boucault

[dash] Waiting between lenses dropped from 4s to 2.5s

955. By Albert Astals Cid

[dash] Do not put previewImageDropShadow over the rest of the contents of previewImage

954. By Michał Sawicz

[lib] add trailing slash to unity2dDirectory in DirectoryModel

953. By Florian Boucault

[dash] Coverflow: force the size of the thumbnails and fade in once they are loaded.

952. By Ugo Riboni

[epg] Make also the grayscale images load async

951. By Ugo Riboni

[epg] load channel logos async

950. By Michał Sawicz

[shell] make epg the activeComponent when it's loaded

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)