Created by
Florian Boucault
and last modified
- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://qastaging/~ui-toolkit/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/trunk
Members of
UI Toolkit
can upload to this branch. Log in for directions.
Branch merges
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dependent on this one.
Branch information
Recent revisions
- 274. By Juhapekka Piiroinen
[examples] added packaging for examples
[demos] fixed a bug #1075933 desktop -files for demos does not work properly.Approved by PS Jenkins bot.
- 273. By Tim Peeters
Avoid showing a fading tab button sliding in from the right side when selecting a new tab. Fixes: https:/
/bugs.launchpad .net/bugs/ 1092547. Approved by .
- 272. By Zsombor Egri
TextArea cannot show OSK when Flickable has pressDelay set. Fixes: https:/
/bugs.launchpad .net/bugs/ 1092600. Approved by PS Jenkins bot.
- 271. By Juhapekka Piiroinen
[examples] Removed the Examples Gallery
[examples] Renamed uChuck to Jokes.Approved by PS Jenkins bot.
- 270. By Zsombor Egri
Unit converter example application.
Approved by Juhapekka Piiroinen, PS Jenkins bot.
- 269. By Juhapekka Piiroinen
[examples] removed author
[examples] added dependency check
.Approved by PS Jenkins bot.
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)