
Created by Ugo Riboni and last modified
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Recent revisions

867. By Ugo Riboni

Prevent resizing the dash from the panel buttons if the form factor isn't desktop

866. By Ugo Riboni

Remove the empty class DashSettings. All its content has been either obsoleted or moved to DashClient.

865. By Ugo Riboni

Move minimumSizeForDesktop to DashClient. Use it to move setDashModeDependingOnScreenGeometry entirely to QML.

864. By Ugo Riboni

Don't update dash fullscreen based on geometry every time the dash becomes active. It will overwrite any defaults when it should merge with them instead.

863. By Ugo Riboni

Add the missing unity-2d form factor key to dconf. Expose the unity2dConfiguration QConf object to access it to QML.

862. By Ugo Riboni

Completely remove proxying the Unity 3D form factor dconf key. It's not used anymore (DashClient::fullScreen is used instead)

861. By Ugo Riboni

Expose the full screen state of the dash via DBUS. Use it to control the dash from the panel buttons.

860. By Albert Astals Cid

Remove code to load testability since Qt does that for us. Fixes: . Appoved by Gerry Boland.

859. By Albert Astals Cid

[test] Launcher does not hide after toggling the dash
. Fixes: . Appoved by Gerry Boland, Michał Sawicz.

858. By Albert Astals Cid

[test] Check that the launcher is around for 1 second after removing an application tile
. Fixes: . Appoved by Michał Sawicz.

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Branch format 7
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