- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://qastaging/~unity-team/kubuntu-packaging/qtbase-5.2.2
Branch merges
Branch information
Recent revisions
- 148. By Timo Jyrinki
List the current patches correctly in the changelog.
Approved by PS Jenkins bot.
- 146. By Timo Jyrinki
* Sync with Debian 5.2.0+dfsg-7, remaining changes:
- No gdb required on ppc64el
- Define explicit list on which archs openvg required
+ and those listed further below
* Use canonical Vcs-Browser field.
* Install qmake's arch-specific data in an arch-specific path by using the
hostdatadir option while calling configure.
* Upload to unstable.
* Build-depend on libxcb-xkb-dev, to get more input languages support.
* Also, build-depend on libxcb-sync-dev instead of removed libxcb-sync0-dev.
* Fix misspelled DEB_HOST_ARCH_OS in debian/rules comments.
* Re-introduce qtbase5-doc-html package.
* Backport fix_crash_stale_pointer_ dereferencing. patch to solve a crash
while using harfbuzz-ng.
* Update symbols files with buildd's logs.
* Workaround sparc's FTBFS due to it's qatomic code.
* Build Qt against system's harfbuzz (Closes: #733972).
* Update symbol's files unsing buildd's logs.
* Remove unused piece of code in debian/rules.
* Enable processor detection for s390[x] and sparc.
- Do not use Wcast-align on header's tests on sparc, thus avoiding a FTBFS.
* Update symbols files using buildds' logs.
* Patch out Google-AdSense tracker from examples.
* Update Standars-Version to 3.9.5, no changes required.
* Further fix for MIPS, also in the orderedMemoryFence implementation;
patch mips_more_pre-mips32. diff.
* rules: small simplification in the platform_arg (mkspec) selection.
* Initial support for GNU/kFreeBSD:
- provide qmake mkspec, and use LD_LIBRARY_PATH; patch gnukfreebsd.diff
- rules: use the gnukfreebsd-g++ when configure'ing
* Get rid of our glibc-g++ qmake mkspec: it was a mistake with Qt4 (3?)
already, and it is no more working with non-Linux OSes; as a consequence,
error out for OSes with no qmake mkspec explicitly set in rules.
* Remove the Pre-Depends on dpkg >= 1.15.6~, since that version is available
in Squeeze already.
* Update symbols files with buildds' logs.
* Explicitly define all DEB_HOST_ARCH{,_ BITS} variables and remove duplicate
* Simplify and sort qtbase5-dev.install- armel and qtbase5- dev.install- armhf.
* Include sys/utsname.h for uname(3); patch uname_include.diff.
* Move few Linux-only files from qtbase5-dev.install- common to
qtbase5-dev.install- linux.
* Remove the cmake files of QtSql plugins on dh_auto_install phase instead
of dh_install. - 145. By Timo Jyrinki
New upstream release 5.2.1 (LP: #1256341) (LP: #1223032) (LP: #1222988)
(LP: #1223042) (LP: #1253120) (LP: #1251262) - 144. By Timo Jyrinki
* Add 0001-Do-
not-overwrite- basePixmap- of-QIconLoader- PixmapEnt. patch:
- Backport an upstreamed fix to blurry icons (LP: #1271158) - 143. By Timo Jyrinki
* Cherry-pick qdoc-Fix-
crash-in- Generator- generateInnerNo de.patch:
- Fix qdoc with libhud-qt (LP: #1271036)
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)