
Created by Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen and last modified
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Branch information

Unity Team

Recent revisions

351. By Sebastien Bacher

Document that the repository moved to git

350. By Sebastien Bacher

* debian/control:
  - fix typo in the Conflicts keyword
* extras,src/Makefile.am:
  - set --shared-library valac option so the generated gir which is
    needed for the correct depends to be created
* remove debian/patches which isn't use by the current packaging, it
  was an indication of the changes applied to the source but those are
  commited directly to the vcs now

349. By Sebastien Bacher

remove temporary changelog entry to enable dsc import

348. By Sebastien Bacher

update the changelog

347. By Sebastien Bacher

clean out old deprecated patch

346. By Sebastien Bacher

updated the packaging with the current archive version

345. By Sebastien Bacher

Update the gir binary naming for the newer version

344. By Sebastien Bacher

Use the valac --shared-library option

343. By Sebastien Bacher

Improve the gir build system, fix issues with new valac, thanks to ricotz

342. By Sebastien Bacher

Build fix from ricotz for newer valac version

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
This branch contains Public information 
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