
Created by Gerry Boland and last modified
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bzr branch lp://qastaging/~unity-team/qtmir/remove-focus-statetracking
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Unity Team

Recent revisions

292. By Gerry Boland

Add unity8-dash to lifecycle exceptions list

291. By Gerry Boland

Remove test which connected focus & lifecycle closely. Add test which checks Suspended apps which are starting remain suspended

290. By Gerry Boland

onSessionCreatedSurface - if in suspended state, and client creates surface somehow, make sure we suspend it and add it to list of lifecycle suspended apps

289. By Gerry Boland

Code relied on Running=focused, disconnect the two. Fixes tests

288. By Gerry Boland

AppMan::suspended saves lifecycle state of all apps before suspending them, so it can restore it later. If resume called on any app in the mean time, it alone is resumed, suspended is set to false and the lifecycle state is discarded

287. By Gerry Boland

I broke this test, fixing it

286. By Gerry Boland

Fix tests where app focus state in AppMan required

285. By Gerry Boland

Have MirSurfaceItem focus in/out call setFocused on Application

284. By Gerry Boland

Remove focus & lifecycle management from ApplicationManager.

283. By Gerry Boland

Don't watch activeFocus, implement the focusInEvent/focusOutEvent methods

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Branch format 7
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