- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://qastaging/~vanvugt/mir/client-perf-report-min-max
Branch merges
Branch information
Recent revisions
- 3621. By Daniel van Vugt
Prototype min/max render times for the client perf report.
Seems to be too low value to bother with right now though. The range between
min and max is so narrow in a one second sample window that the current
report of just the average is probably sufficient. - 3620. By Daniel van Vugt
Add some value totals to a few enums visible in the client API.
And also fix some switch statements that then complain due to missing
'default:'.I needed these enum values yesterday when working on Xmir but found
they did not exist.
.Approved by mir-ci-bot, Alan Griffiths, Cemil Azizoglu.
- 3619. By Alexandros Frantzis
platform: Move GL specific methods from mg::Display to mir::renderer:
:gl::ContextSou rce. Approved by Alan Griffiths, Cemil Azizoglu, Kevin DuBois, mir-ci-bot.
- 3618. By Kevin DuBois
android: Plumb the fencing support that the NBS API needs. Specifically, add timeout-based fence waits.
Also change the public MirNativeFence* (which was a void**) to just a MirNativeFence (void*) to be easier to use/less misleading.
Approved by mir-ci-bot, Cemil Azizoglu, Alan Griffiths.
- 3617. By Alexandros Frantzis
tests: Fix ServerConfigura
tionOptions test to run safely with ptest. Fixes: https:/ /bugs.launchpad .net/bugs/ 1607351. Approved by mir-ci-bot, Alan Griffiths.
- 3616. By Andreas Pokorny
Combine mirclientrpc-static and mirclient-static itself into a single static library
This avoids static library linking order problems between code that is defined inside client/events and client/rpc which before ended up in mirclient-static and mirclientrpc-
static. Approved by Kevin DuBois, Alan Griffiths, mir-ci-bot.
- 3615. By Chris Halse Rogers
Improvements to no-TLS-future.
Since we hope that the bionic-
and-hybris- fight-over- TLS-slots bug will - in some halcyon future - be fixed this branch makes NoTLSFuture behave more like std::future so we hopefully don't rely on non-standard behaviour. Additionally, because a continuation interface would be really handy for removing an implicit RPC wait in BufferStream, implement a reasonable approximation of the .then() interface in the Concurrency TS (N4107 http://
www.open- std.org/ jtc1/sc22/ wg21/docs/ papers/ 2014/n4107. html#future). Approved by Alexandros Frantzis, Alan Griffiths, mir-ci-bot.
- 3614. By Alexandros Frantzis
platform: Introduce Display:
:native_ display( ). Approved by mir-ci-bot, Cemil Azizoglu, Andreas Pokorny, Kevin DuBois.
- 3612. By Brandon Schaefer
Put the symbol in the 0.24 section (which has already been split for release). Make a new symbol section 0.25 and put that symbol there.
Approved by mir-ci-bot, Daniel van Vugt, Chris Halse Rogers.
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
- Stacked on:
- lp://qastaging/mir