

Created by Daniel van Vugt and last modified
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bzr branch lp://qastaging/~vanvugt/mir/deduplicate-NullDisplayReport
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Branch information

Daniel van Vugt

Recent revisions

3687. By Daniel van Vugt

Merge latest trunk

3686. By Daniel van Vugt

Ping Jenkins

3685. By Daniel van Vugt

It's LGPL, not GPL

3684. By Daniel van Vugt

First attempt

3683. By Michael Terry

Have libmirserver-dev Depend on uuid-dev so that other packages have all the files they need. Fixes: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1617435.

Approved by mir-ci-bot, Daniel van Vugt, Alan Griffiths, Alexandros Frantzis.

3682. By Chris Halse Rogers

Improvements to display configuration API and implementation.

*) Don't crash the server if a client calls mir_connection_confirm_base_display_configuration before the deferred event loop gets around to processing a previous call to mir_connection_preview_base_display_configuration.
*) Allow a client to cancel a base-configuration change preview
*) Notify a client when it tries to preview a new display configuration while another client already has a change in progress.

Approved by mir-ci-bot, Alan Griffiths, Kevin DuBois.

3681. By Kevin DuBois

nested: add mgn::NestedBuffer in preparation for "nested-passthrough" (bypass for clients of nested server).

Approved by mir-ci-bot, Alan Griffiths, Chris Halse Rogers.

3680. By Cemil Azizoglu

r3652 accidentally omitted some of unit tests. This MP restores them.

Approved by Daniel van Vugt, mir-ci-bot.

3679. By Daniel van Vugt

mirserver-dev headers include uuid.h so make sure our consumers have that
at configure time instead of them failing during build. (LP: #1617435). Fixes: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1617435.

Approved by Alan Griffiths, Kevin DuBois, mir-ci-bot.

3678. By Daniel van Vugt

Add missing build-dep for libepoxy-dev (LP: #1617256). Fixes: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1617256.

Approved by Alan Griffiths, Kevin DuBois, mir-ci-bot.

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