

Created by Daniel van Vugt and last modified
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Branch information

Daniel van Vugt

Recent revisions

3669. By Daniel van Vugt

Merge latest trunk

3668. By Daniel van Vugt

No change

3667. By Daniel van Vugt

Dummy change

3666. By Chris Halse Rogers

Add mir_output_get_{current,preferred}_mode_index API.

This is trivial to retrieve in the client library, and I've found that
I've been smattering ad-hoc, worse, implementations of it around in my
client code. So just expose it in the client API and make everyone's
lives easier.

3665. By Daniel van Vugt

Simplify Rectangle logic, so that it's easier to follow.

3664. By Daniel van Vugt

changelog: Merge final 0.24.0 changelog from Ubuntu and add an entry
for 0.25.0

3663. By Daniel van Vugt

Remove one line of dead code.

3662. By Kevin DuBois

backout rev 3650 so that newer PowerVR devices (like mx4) don't try to
close the old FB module (which segfaults when trying to close).

Seeing as how its better to just load the fb module for devices that
actually need this, We should have a quirk for devices that need this
(probably just omap devices)

fixes: LP: #1615703

3661. By Ratchanan Srirattanamet

android: create HwcBlankingControl as HWC configuration on HWC 1.0

This changes screen initialization on a device using HWC 1.0 from the
FB HAL way to the HWC way. This makes vsync works, as previously vsync
is not enabled in FbControl.

This fix, together with the hack from
lp:~peat-new/mir/hack-eglswapbuffer-call-fbpost , makes graphics with
HWComposer works on Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7.0. So, to properly support
this device, the hack must be verified if it's the correct way to do.
This is beyond my knowledge and requires a developer to have a look at

3660. By Kevin DuBois

platforms: remove ifdefs around mg::NativeBuffer to make it simply a forward-declared class for server code. Platforms can define what mg::NativeBuffer is to whatever works best. (eg, Android defines it to be an interface that makes it easy to convert to different android types and manage the buffer fences).

Android defines it to be an interface that makes it easy to convert to different android types and manage the buffer fences.

Mesa was hacking around the POD type it was using with GBMNativeBuffer to get the gbm_bo*. GBMNativeBuffer is just mg::NativeBuffer for that platform now.

Eglstream could use ShmFile as its native type (although I didn't make that change in this MP)

Nested will want a mg::NativeBuffer that gives access to its underlying MirBuffer*.

Approved by mir-ci-bot, Chris Halse Rogers, Alexandros Frantzis.

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