

Created by Daniel van Vugt and last modified
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Daniel van Vugt

Recent revisions

3747. By Daniel van Vugt

Experimental very high max buffer count of 20.

Turns out it never actually needs more than 5 or 6, but this does
indicate we need to speed up buffer returns from the server to avoid
blocking the client.

3746. By Daniel van Vugt

Improvements. But I might drop this for now...

3745. By Daniel van Vugt

Merge latest trunk

3744. By Daniel van Vugt

Progress, but failing

3743. By Daniel van Vugt

First attempt (and working)

3742. By Andreas Pokorny

Reduce exposure of MirEvent structures in two platforms and mirserver.

Approved by Cemil Azizoglu, mir-ci-bot, Alan Griffiths.

3741. By Andreas Pokorny

Allow eglInitialize to indicate version 1.4 or above.

Approved by mir-ci-bot, Daniel van Vugt, Chris Halse Rogers.

3740. By Kevin DuBois

compositor: remove mc::BufferStreamSurfaces and mc::BufferBundle. The first was the implementation
of mc::BufferStream for server side queueing, which mostly wrapped the logic in the removed mc::BufferQueue. the latter was the interface for the BufferQueue helper class, that was used in a few integration-level tests. These tests have been ported to used mc::Stream.

Approved by mir-ci-bot, Chris Halse Rogers, Cemil Azizoglu.

3739. By Alexandros Frantzis

nested: Set the MirClientHostConnection callbacks (thread-)safely
(LP: #1628828). Fixes: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1628828.

Approved by Daniel van Vugt, Chris Halse Rogers, mir-ci-bot, Kevin DuBois.

3738. By Daniel van Vugt

Add refresh rate to MirSurfaceOutputEvent.

Approved by mir-ci-bot, Cemil Azizoglu, Kevin DuBois.

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