

Created by Daniel van Vugt and last modified
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Daniel van Vugt

Recent revisions

3924. By Daniel van Vugt

Add a mutex too (because LP: #1194384)

3923. By Daniel van Vugt

Forward-port from 0.25 experiment

3922. By Brandon Schaefer

Accumulation of the chain of MPs for surface renaming...

Approved by Brandon Schaefer, mir-ci-bot.

3921. By Kevin DuBois

platform: add deprecation path for mg::BufferUsage for the eglstream platform. This adds a path to create a software buffer.

Also add a unit test infrastructure for the eglstream platform (was missing)

note: this is part of the effort trying to pull MirBufferUsage from client api for 1.0.

Approved by mir-ci-bot, Alan Griffiths, Cemil Azizoglu.

3920. By Alan Griffiths

Remove the "phase one" restriction of one prompt session per prompt provider. Fixes: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1494197.

Approved by Andreas Pokorny, Brandon Schaefer, mir-ci-bot, Nick Dedekind.

3919. By Chris Halse Rogers

Fix race in destroying_dispatcher_from_a_callback_is_an_error.

Fixes (another cause of): https://bugs.launchpad.net/mir/+bug/1647573. Fixes: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1647573.

Approved by mir-ci-bot, Cemil Azizoglu, Brandon Schaefer, Alan Griffiths.

3918. By Alan Griffiths

Fix racy setup for RaiseSurfaces test fixture. Fixes: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1655293.

Approved by mir-ci-bot, Cemil Azizoglu, Andreas Pokorny.

3917. By Brandon Schaefer

Deprecate the old mir event surface enum values and replace them we the correct renaming.

Approved by Cemil Azizoglu, mir-ci-bot.

3916. By Brandon Schaefer

When we modify a surface spec lets make sure to also set the event handler. Fixes: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1654612.

Approved by mir-ci-bot, Kevin DuBois, Alan Griffiths.

3915. By Kevin DuBois

platform: add deprecation path for mg::BufferUsage for the android platform. This adds a path to create a software buffer, and a path to make a buffer with native format/flags for hardware/other platform usages.

note: this is part of the effort trying to pull MirBufferUsage from client api for 1.0.

Approved by mir-ci-bot, Alan Griffiths, Cemil Azizoglu.

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