

Created by Daniel van Vugt and last modified
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Branch information

Daniel van Vugt

Recent revisions

3300. By Daniel van Vugt

Tidy up and fix iterator madness.

3299. By Daniel van Vugt

Generalise and tidy up the fix.

3298. By Daniel van Vugt

Fix weird erratic ClientLatency stats that were regularly spiking up
to 5 (frames of latency) for one of the buffer IDs.

Turns out the problem is the server failing to display the client's first
frame. And thereafter all stats for that first frame's buffer ID were
+3, (correct answer is 2, so we saw 5).

So this change just makes the test more robust to deal with it. We still
need to find out why the server is failing to display the client's
first frame...

3297. By Daniel van Vugt

Merge latest trunk

3296. By Daniel van Vugt

Try again

3295. By Daniel van Vugt

Add always-on stats to the output of ClientLatency acceptance tests.

Very useful, and presently reveals an apparent bug in tests too.

3294. By Alan Griffiths

frontend: replace configurable "IPC thread pool" with a single thread.

Approved by Daniel van Vugt, mir-ci-bot, PS Jenkins bot, Kevin DuBois.

3293. By Alan Griffiths

tools: rm tools/install_on_android.sh.

Approved by Daniel van Vugt, PS Jenkins bot, Kevin DuBois, mir-ci-bot.

3292. By Daniel van Vugt

debian/changelog: s/loggging/logging/

3291. By Alan Griffiths

tests: Add a small delay to ensure the TestClientCursorAPI.cursor_passed_through_nested_server test conditions are set up correctly. Fixes: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1525003.

Approved by Alexandros Frantzis, mir-ci-bot, Kevin DuBois, Alberto Aguirre, PS Jenkins bot.

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