

Created by Daniel van Vugt and last modified
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Daniel van Vugt

Recent revisions

2825. By Daniel van Vugt

Rewrite/simplify? the new overlapping compositors test

2824. By Kevin DuBois

compositor: cobble together DroppingSchedule, QueueingSchedule, and MultiMonitorArbiter into a mc::BufferStream implementation. snapshotting and resizing not yet supported.

Approved by Cemil Azizoglu, Alberto Aguirre, Alan Griffiths, PS Jenkins bot.

2823. By Alan Griffiths

input: tidy up a slightly misleading comment and some overly complex code.

Approved by Daniel van Vugt, Cemil Azizoglu, PS Jenkins bot.

2822. By Andreas Pokorny

remove the test for x11-input

Since stub input is now only set during tests that need to use fake input devices the check for the server platform name is no longer necessary. As soon as an input platform is configured the android input stack is disabled.

Still this is not the final solution - Instead we should probe for available platforms and also allow loading multiple platforms.

Approved by Cemil Azizoglu, Alberto Aguirre, Kevin DuBois, PS Jenkins bot, Alan Griffiths.

2821. By Kevin DuBois

tests: clean up the unit test for mcl::ClientBufferTest. Make test parameterized in preparation for using lp:~kdub/mir/client-vault.


Approved by PS Jenkins bot, Alan Griffiths, Alberto Aguirre.

2820. By Alberto Aguirre

Workaround for GLibMainLoopTest.propagates_exception_from_server_action failure

The test fails with GCC5 when using -O2 options in armhf which seems to be caused by using identical lambda definitions.
As a workaround the exception message is changed to force the compiler to generate a unique implementation instead of sharing one;this allows the exception to be caught as expected. Fixes: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1482274.

Approved by PS Jenkins bot, Kevin DuBois, Alan Griffiths.

2819. By Cemil Azizoglu

Added support for
- Button events
- Motion events .

Approved by Alan Griffiths, Chris Halse Rogers, PS Jenkins bot.

2818. By Andreas Pokorny

Move modifier tracking and utilities to the soon existing evdev platform

The evdev input platform will require the same tracking logic like the fake input devices, hence this moves the code out of test into src/platforms/evdev.

Approved by Alan Griffiths, PS Jenkins bot.

2817. By Daniel van Vugt

Fix delayed shifting of touch focus when switching apps by gesture
(LP: #1480654).

If your shell (correctly) consumes finger-up events at the end of an
app switch gesture, or if you get none at all (LP: #1481570), then
the old window was still getting touch events even after it's no longer
visible. This branch ensures that the start of the next gesture always
goes to the new window immediately, and never accidentally to the
previous one (a regression introduced in r2652). Fixes: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1480654.

Approved by PS Jenkins bot, Alan Griffiths, Kevin DuBois.

2816. By Cemil Azizoglu

Add packaging for mir-on-x (LP: #1479224). Fixes: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1479224.

Approved by PS Jenkins bot, Kevin DuBois, Chris Halse Rogers.

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