

Created by Daniel van Vugt and last modified
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Daniel van Vugt

Recent revisions

3823. By Daniel van Vugt

Enable the fix and the test now passes

3822. By Daniel van Vugt

Disable the fix and introduce a regression test

3821. By Daniel van Vugt

Cherry pick the bit that works from today's branch (just the server side)

3820. By Kevin DuBois

client: propose that MirBuffer is the EGLNativePixmapType for the mir platform. Include an example of buffer import to GL texture via the mir client api.

Also introduce the MIR_EXTENSION_ANDROID_EGL, with hooks for getting the EGLNativePixmapType and EGLNativeDisplayType. EGLNativeWindowType will be added after some MirRenderSurface improvements are proposed.

note: egldiamond will only import buffers on android, as the example shim subloads EGL_NATIVE_BUFFER_ANDROID. Other platforms have a sensible fallback.

Approved by Andreas Pokorny, mir-ci-bot, Chris Halse Rogers.

3819. By Alan Griffiths

Fix code to match the documentation of CoordinateTranslator - vis "It is acceptable ...[to] throw a std::runtime_error". Fixes: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1641166.

Approved by Andreas Pokorny, mir-ci-bot, Stephen M. Webb.

3818. By Daniel van Vugt

Accommodate scheduling issues on slow/loaded machines that could cause
the frame dropping test to occasionally miss a frame. Use the average
rather than worst case in order to ignore such glitches (LP: #1640366)
. Fixes: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1640366.

Approved by Kevin DuBois, Chris Halse Rogers, mir-ci-bot.

3817. By Daniel van Vugt

Enhance the ClientLatency acceptance tests to measure latency with
fractional precision.

This is required to test framedropping properly, which should always
achieve closer to zero than one whole frame of latency. In the new
Vulkan terminology, this is called Mailbox mode.

This is an important regression test not only for maintaining low
latency but also avoiding bugs like LP: #1379685 and LP: #1396006. Fixes: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1640366.

Approved by mir-ci-bot.

3816. By Kevin DuBois

client: add a mechanism for adding extensions to the client API.

Approved by Andreas Pokorny, mir-ci-bot, Chris Halse Rogers.

3815. By Chris Halse Rogers

Add xkbcommon to mirclient.pc Requires.private.

Mir client headers #include some files from xkbcommon, so the pkg-config file should have a dependency upon it.

Approved by mir-ci-bot, Brandon Schaefer.

3814. By Daniel van Vugt

Tidy up the future public API:
  void mir_buffer_egl_image_parameters
  bool mir_buffer_get_egl_image_parameters

Approved by mir-ci-bot, Kevin DuBois.

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