Created by
Daniel van Vugt
and last modified
- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://qastaging/~vanvugt/mir/unwanted-alpha
Daniel van Vugt
can upload to this branch. If you are
Daniel van Vugt
please log in for upload directions.
Branch merges
Propose for merging
No branches
dependent on this one.
- Daniel van Vugt: Needs Information
- Kevin DuBois (community): Approve
- PS Jenkins bot (community): Approve (continuous-integration)
- Alan Griffiths: Abstain
Diff: 509 lines (+168/-38)26 files modifieddebian/control (+4/-4)
debian/mir-client-platform-android4.install (+1/-1)
debian/mir-client-platform-mesa4.install (+1/-1)
examples/eglapp.c (+2/-1)
examples/scroll.cpp (+2/-1)
include/client/mir_toolkit/mir_connection.h (+6/-1)
src/client/mir_connection.cpp (+3/-2)
src/client/mir_connection.h (+2/-1)
src/client/mir_connection_api.cpp (+14/-2)
src/client/symbols.map (+7/-1)
src/include/client/mir/client_platform.h (+2/-1)
src/platforms/CMakeLists.txt (+1/-1)
src/platforms/android/client/android_client_platform.cpp (+1/-1)
src/platforms/android/client/android_client_platform.h (+2/-1)
src/platforms/android/client/symbols.map (+1/-1)
src/platforms/mesa/client/client_platform.cpp (+18/-2)
src/platforms/mesa/client/client_platform.h (+2/-1)
src/platforms/mesa/client/symbols.map (+1/-1)
tests/acceptance-tests/test_client_library_errors.cpp (+2/-1)
tests/mir_test_framework/stub_client_platform_factory.cpp (+2/-1)
tests/mir_test_framework/symbols-client.map (+1/-1)
tests/unit-tests/client/android/test_android_client_platform.cpp (+8/-4)
tests/unit-tests/client/mesa/test_client_platform.cpp (+79/-3)
tests/unit-tests/client/test_client_buffer_stream.cpp (+2/-1)
tests/unit-tests/client/test_client_mir_surface.cpp (+2/-1)
tests/unit-tests/client/test_mir_connection.cpp (+2/-2)
Related bugs
Related blueprints
Branch information
Recent revisions
- 2801. By Alberto Aguirre
client: Use stack allocated mir::protobuf objects when possible.
Approved by PS Jenkins bot, Alan Griffiths, Kevin DuBois.
- 2800. By Andreas Pokorny
stub-input: remove input devices on stop
Before this change , stub input platform kept input devices alive in device registry. Those input devices also kept the device registry itself alive.
Approved by Alberto Aguirre, Cemil Azizoglu, PS Jenkins bot, Kevin DuBois.
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
- Stacked on:
- lp://qastaging/mir