

Created by Daniel van Vugt and last modified
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Daniel van Vugt

Recent revisions

3194. By Daniel van Vugt

Merge latest trunk again; adds new suppressions from Cemil.

3193. By Daniel van Vugt

Ping Jenkins

3192. By Daniel van Vugt

Merge latest trunk

3191. By Daniel van Vugt

Try to avoid valgrind on ThreadedDispatcherSignalTest.* that's failing
all the time on xenial-armhf at least, apparently from unnamed valgrind
errors in its child process. This might work around LP: #1499229...

3190. By Alan Griffiths

tests: Extract bits of common logic to make NestedServer tests easier to follow.

Approved by Alberto Aguirre, PS Jenkins bot.

3189. By Daniel van Vugt

Don't use memcheck on the ClientLatency acceptance test. Because
valgrind is too slow to adequately emulate the multi-process performance
we're testing for and will cause failures.

This is a kind of workaround for LP: #1522031 which itself probably
won't and shouldn't be "fixed". This is also a small step toward beginning
to resolve LP: #1524209. Fixes: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1522031, https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1524209.

Approved by PS Jenkins bot, Alberto Aguirre.

3188. By Brandon Schaefer

MirKeyEvent is the same as MirKeyboardEvent why have two names for the same thing. Use MirKeyboardEvent since its the one in the public API.

Approved by PS Jenkins bot, Kevin DuBois, Alan Griffiths, Alexandros Frantzis, Daniel van Vugt.

3187. By Alan Griffiths

tests: clients can (re)configure display after a hardware change.

Approved by Alexandros Frantzis, PS Jenkins bot.

3186. By Alberto Aguirre

tests: TestClientInput: fix race between sending a fake event and surface becoming ready to receive events. Fixes: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1523872, https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1523965, https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1524230.

Approved by PS Jenkins bot, Daniel van Vugt, Andreas Pokorny.

3185. By Alan Griffiths

nested: remove a deadlock in nested::Display.

Approved by PS Jenkins bot, Kevin DuBois, Alexandros Frantzis.

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