
Created by Daniel van Vugt and last modified
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bzr branch lp://qastaging/~vanvugt/qtmir/supersmooth2
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Branch information

Daniel van Vugt

Recent revisions

370. By Daniel van Vugt

Start rewriting supersmooth from scratch.

dandrader's moved too many things around and the old branch is no
longer mergable.

369. By CI Train Bot Account

Releasing 0.4.6+15.04.20150827.1-0ubuntu1

368. By Daniel d'Andrada

Allow resizing an app that is in the process of getting suspended.

Happens when you lock the phone while showing an app in landscape. As
the display turns off, shell rotates itself back to portrait and starts
suspending the app. Fixes: #1466510
Approved by: Gerry Boland

367. By Daniel d'Andrada

Enable multiple MirSurfaceItems rendering the same MirSurface

So MirSurface is the model and MirSurfaceItem is the view+controller.

+ Make MirSurfaceItem instantiable from QML
+ Isolate all mir::scene::Surface code inside MirSurface
+ Enhanced qml-demo-shell: you can now move, resize and *clone* windows
Approved by: Gerry Boland

366. By CI Train Bot Account

Resync trunk.

365. By CI Train Bot Account

Releasing 0.4.5+15.10.20150817-0ubuntu1

364. By Alberto Aguirre

Remove protobuf - it is not used anymore.
Approved by: Gerry Boland

363. By CI Train Bot Account

Releasing 0.4.5+15.04.20150812.1-0ubuntu1

362. By Gerry Boland

Add vivid changelog entry as it was released

361. By Gerry Boland

Standardize licences to LGPLv3, update years, remove authors Fixes: #1483664
Approved by: Daniel d'Andrada

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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This branch contains Public information 
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