- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://qastaging/gnubash
Branch information
Import details
This branch is an import of the HEAD branch of the Git repository at git://git.sv.gnu.org/bash.git.
Last successful import was .
Recent revisions
- 218. By Chet Ramey <email address hidden>
Bash-5.2 patch 37: fix issue where comparing quoted and unquoted words to be completed results in readline not displaying possible matches
- 217. By Chet Ramey <email address hidden>
Bash-5.2 patch 36: fix for reading partial invalid multibyte characters
- 216. By Chet Ramey <email address hidden>
Bash-5.2 patch 35: fix compilation on systems that provide select or pselect but not both
- 215. By Chet Ramey <email address hidden>
Bash-5.2 patch 34: fix for parsing compound assignment while expanding alias
- 213. By Chet Ramey <email address hidden>
Bash-5.2 patch 32: fix printing coprocs when the coproc does not have a name
- 212. By Chet Ramey <email address hidden>
Bash-5.2 patch 31: fix memory leak in optimized $(<file) expansion
- 211. By Chet Ramey <email address hidden>
Bash-5.2 patch 30: fix bug with marking jobs terminated by signals as notified
- 210. By Chet Ramey <email address hidden>
Bash-5.2 patch 29: fix for error recovery when parsing invalid compound assignments
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)