
Created by You-Sheng Yang and last modified
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You-Sheng Yang

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2715. By You-Sheng Yang

Fix incomplete reports generated from linux-oem kernels

For OEM projects, linux-oem/linux-oem-osp1 kernels are installed by default;
meanwhile, they can also be installed on non-OEM products in order to have
better hardware/stability support.

When trying to report bugs from platforms with oem kernels installed, while
their source package names are not currently correctly identified as linux
kernel packages, most bits used to appear in generic kernel apport reports are
not included.

This change creates all necessary symbolic links to these kernels.

BugLink: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1847967
Signed-off-by: You-Sheng Yang <email address hidden>

2714. By Brian Murray

data/package-hooks/source_ubiquity: pass on a KeyError when adding
installation logs.

2713. By Brian Murray

Removed general hook which would gather information about click packages.

2712. By Brian Murray

releasing package apport version 2.20.11-0ubuntu7

2711. By Brian Murray

Resolve pycodestyle issues.

2710. By Brian Murray

releasing package apport version 2.20.11-0ubuntu6

2709. By Brian Murray

apport/ui.py: When saving a report for later processing if the filename
to save it to ends with .gz then gzip the report file. Thanks to Yuan-Chen
Cheng for the patch. (LP: #1837174)

2708. By Brian Murray

releasing package apport version 2.20.11-0ubuntu5

2707. By Brian Murray

* SECURITY UPDATE: TOCTOU issue allows local user to read arbitrary
  files (LP: #1830858)
  - apport/report.py: Avoid TOCTOU issue on users ignore file by
    dropping privileges and then opening the file both test for access and
    open the file in a single operation, instead of using access() before
    reading the file which could be abused by a symlink to cause Apport to
    read and embed an arbitrary file in the resulting crash dump.
  - CVE-2019-7307

2706. By Brian Murray

data/general-hooks/ubuntu.py: system-image-cli is no longer included in
Ubuntu and we do not need SystemImageInfo any more.

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