
Created by Tobias Baldauf and last modified

This is Woof's rewritten version to seamlessly integrate into the up-to-date Ubuntu desktop experience.

Get this branch:
bzr branch lp://qastaging/woofgui
Members of Woof can upload to this branch. Log in for directions.

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Recent revisions

15. By Tobias Baldauf

Took another step towards ideal wording for the libnotify popup-bubbles. Also managed to make the CSS for the upload-form a static class-variable so that the beautification of bug #667824 is now complete. Future designs may follow, but for now, it is usable and sleek enough.

14. By Tobias Baldauf

Drastically simplified the libnotiy-bubble-notifications to make them more easily scanable at a glance. All relevant info is still copied to the user-clipboard, but the initial info is kept clean & simple. This should make Woof more user-friendly.

13. By Tobias Baldauf

Finished up an acceptable look for the Upload-form and put a link onto the website, fixing bug #667666

12. By Tobias Baldauf

Removed subfolder releases

11. By Tobias Baldauf

Trying to restore diverged branches

10. By Tobias Baldauf

Trying to get rid of releases subfolder

9. By Tobias Baldauf

Fixed the not working Nautilus scripts, renamed them for easier understanding and coded a response if a user forgets to select a file when clicking Share

8. By Tobias Baldauf

New branding, security-check to prevent bug #673996 and the beginning of the web-form beautification

7. By Tobias Baldauf

Successful code-review of the uploading-form, followed by some generic attack-attempts. No obvious security-flaws were found.

6. By Tobias Baldauf

Optimized some stuff in the install-script, added woof.desktop for KDE and wrote a short readme.txt containing instructions

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
This branch contains Public information 
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