
Created by Dimitri John Ledkov and last modified
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bzr branch lp://qastaging/~xnox/debian-cd/unbreak-s390x
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Branch information

Dimitri John Ledkov

Recent revisions

2104. By Dimitri John Ledkov

Fixup cleanup branch.

$CMDLINE variable is gone, use the contents of the param file.

2102. By Łukasz Zemczak

Clean up all the things. Based on xnox's previous clean-up branch.

2101. By Iain Lane

common.sh: Use a proper "if" statement for ubuntu-canary in default_kernel_params()

In Bash (and POSIX shell), functions return the return code of the last
statement they executed if there's no other explicit return.

We have a function which ends with a statement like:

  [ $VAR = foo ] && do_something

When the first clause fails, the return code of this statement is 1. The
function returns 1 and, since we are running under set -e, the caller fails and
the script terminates.

Fix this by rewriting to use "if ... then ... fi" instead, which returns 0 if
the condition fails.

For information, note that there is a special case in the spec:

  The -e setting shall be ignored when executing [...] any command of an AND-OR
  list other than the last.

Which is why we terminate at the *caller* and not inside the function, and also
why this would work if we weren't inside a function. By being inside a
function, we effectively defeat this check.

2100. By Łukasz Zemczak

Correctly set the layerfs kernel option for the canary image

2099. By Iain Lane

CONF.sh: Use distro's xorriso for hirsute

2098. By Łukasz Zemczak

HANIMAL -> Hippo

2097. By Łukasz Zemczak

Copy groovy -> hirsute, and add hirsute to CONF.sh

2096. By Iain Lane

Make sure we match the memtest deb we just downloaded

2095. By Iain Lane

Merge lp:~vorlon/debian-cd/lp.1899615 to restore memtest on bios boots

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
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Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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