- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://qastaging/~xubuntu-dev/thunar/maverick
Branch merges
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Branch information
Recent revisions
- 69. By Lionel Le Folgoc
* Merge from Debian unstable, remaining Ubuntu changes:
- debian/control:
+ use our Vcs-* fields
+ build-depends on libgamin-dev instead of libfam-dev and remove the
Build-Conflicts field (this should fix the alternate cd, LP: #323665)
- debian/patches:
+ 09_fix-menu-icons. patch: correctly displays themed icons even if there's
a dot in the middle of the filename (see Xfce #3614)
+ xubuntu-fix-desktop- files.patch: various fixes to desktop files:
. make thunar and thunar-bulk-rename appear under Accessories not System
. make destop-file-validate happy (remove 'Encoding' and 'Application;')
. add 'OnlyShowIn="XFCE;" ' to Thunar- folder- handler. desktop so that
GNOME defaults to Nautilus and not Thunar
. hide Bulk Rename from the menu LP: #441278.
* New upstream release.
* debian/patches/ 04_fix- umask-handling. patch: dropped, included upstream.
* debian/control: build-dep on libstartup-notification0- dev (>= 0.4) as
startup notification support is enabled in debian/rules. - 67. By Lionel Le Folgoc
* Merge from Debian unstable, remaining Ubuntu changes:
- debian/control:
+ use our Vcs-* fields
+ build-depends on libgamin-dev instead of libfam-dev and remove the
Build-Conflicts field (this should fix the alternate cd, LP: #323665)
- debian/patches:
+ 09_fix-menu-icons. patch: correctly displays themed icons even if there's
a dot in the middle of the filename (see Xfce #3614)
+ xubuntu-fix-desktop- files.patch: various fixes to desktop files:
. make thunar and thunar-bulk-rename appear under Accessories not System
. make destop-file-validate happy (remove 'Encoding' and 'Application;')
. add 'OnlyShowIn="XFCE;" ' to Thunar- folder- handler. desktop so that
GNOME defaults to Nautilus and not Thunar
. hide Bulk Rename from the menu LP: #441278.
* debian/patches/ {10,11, 12,13}_ *: dropped, included in Debian with other
* debian/patches/ 05_fix- crash-drag- gdk-none. patch: backport patch from
upstream git to fix crash when dragging non-file data over a window
(thanks Daniel Gibson for the hint). closes: #575665
* debian/patches: import some patches from lucid to fix several minor
issues (also fixed in upstream git master):
- 06_fix-sidepane- width.patch: use g_utf8_strlen to calculate the
sidepane width, prevents it from being too large with chinese or
cyrillic locales. lp: #501211
- 07_update-cursor- on-delete. patch: properly update the cursor when
a row is deleted in, fixes weird cursor behaviors (Xfce #5361).
- 08_refilter-tree-hidden- dir.patch: refilter tree model view when
entering/leaving an hidden directory, prevents hidden dir/files
from being wrongly displayed. lp: #484220
* debian/control: add myself to uploaders. - 66. By Lionel Le Folgoc
* Merge from Debian unstable, remaining Ubuntu changes:
- debian/control:
+ use our Vcs-* fields
+ build-depends on libgamin-dev instead of libfam-dev and remove the
Build-Conflicts field (this should fix the alternate cd, LP: #323665)
- debian/patches:
+ 06_fix-menu-icons. patch: correctly displays themed icons even if there's
a dot in the middle of the filename (see Xfce #3614)
+ 10_fix-sidepane- width.patch: use g_utf8_strlen to calculate
the sidepane width. LP: #501211
+ 11_fix-crash-drag- gdk-none. patch: avoid requesting drag
data if target is GDK_NONE. lp: #478443
+ 12_update-cursor- on-delete. patch: properly update the cursor when
a row is deleted in (Xfce #5361).
+ 13_refilter-tree-hidden- dir.patch: refilter tree model view when
entering/leaving an hidden directory. lp: #484220
+ xubuntu-fix-desktop- files.patch: various fixes to desktop files:
. make thunar and thunar-bulk-rename appear under Accessories not System
. make destop-file-validate happy (remove 'Encoding' and 'Application;')
. add 'OnlyShowIn="XFCE;" ' to Thunar- folder- handler. desktop so that
GNOME defaults to Nautilus and not Thunar
. hide Bulk Rename from the menu LP: #441278.* Fixed watch file, thanks Sindhudweep Sarkar. lp: #525282
- 65. By Lionel Le Folgoc
* debian/patches:
- 12_update-cursor- on-delete. patch: properly update the cursor when
a row is deleted in (Xfce #5361).
- 13_refilter-tree-hidden- dir.patch: refilter tree model view when
entering/leaving an hidden directory. lp: #484220 - 64. By Lionel Le Folgoc
patches/ 11_fix- crash-drag- gdk-none. patch: avoid requesting drag
data if target is GDK_NONE. lp: #478443 - 63. By Lionel Le Folgoc
patches/ 10_fix- sidepane- width.patch: use g_utf8_strlen to calculate
the sidepane width. LP: #501211 - 62. By Lionel Le Folgoc
* Merge from Debian testing, remaining Ubuntu changes:
- debian/control:
+ use our Vcs-* fields
+ build-depends on libgamin-dev instead of libfam-dev and remove the
Build-Conflicts field (this should fix the alternate cd, LP: #323665)
- debian/patches:
+ 06_fix-menu-icons. patch: correctly displays themed icons even if there's
a dot in the middle of the filename (see Xfce #3614)
+ xubuntu-fix-desktop- files.patch: various fixes to desktop files:
. make thunar and thunar-bulk-rename appear under Accessories not System
. make destop-file-validate happy (remove 'Encoding' and 'Application;')
. add 'OnlyShowIn="XFCE;" ' to Thunar- folder- handler. desktop so that
GNOME defaults to Nautilus and not Thunar
. hide Bulk Rename from the menu LP: #441278.* debian/control: drop thunar-data conflicts/replaces thunar-doc and
libthunar-vfs-1-dev, unneeded (since intrepid). - 61. By Lionel Le Folgoc
* debian/
patches/ xubuntu- fix-desktop- files.patch: updated to hide Bulk Rename
from the menu. LP: #441278
* debian/patches/ 04_fix- umask-handling. patch: fix wrong permissions for new
files and folders. LP: #391969
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)