
Created by Lionel Le Folgoc and last modified
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Xubuntu Developers
Xfce4 Power Manager

Recent revisions

20. By Lionel Le Folgoc

releasing version 0.8.5-1ubuntu2

19. By Lionel Le Folgoc

Rebuild against updated xfce4-panel shlibs.

18. By Lionel Le Folgoc

releasing version 0.8.5-1ubuntu1

17. By Lionel Le Folgoc

* Merge from Debian testing, remaining Ubuntu changes:
  - debian/patches:
    + xubuntu-use-notification-icons.patch: use our notification-* icons
      for notification bubbles instead of the normal ones LP: #437374
    + xubuntu-assume-hal-is-available.patch: do not check for hal presence
      on the bus, it'll be spawned automatically on demand. lp: #507097
    + 10_pc.patch: added patched files to POTFILES.skip
    + series: created, with these two patches
  - debian/rules: add --with quilt
  - debian/control: build-depends on quilt (>= 0.46-7~)
  - debian/README.source: added.
* debian/patches/01_check-brightness-array-icon-index.patch,
  02_handle-weird-negative-brightness-level.patch: dropped, included

16. By Lionel Le Folgoc

* New upstream release.
* debian/control:
  - update standards version to 3.8.4.
  - update obsolete relation form < to <<.

15. By Lionel Le Folgoc

* debian/patches/02_handle-weird-negative-brightness-level.patch: fixes
  another possible crash when hal reports a negative brightness level,
  cherry-pick from upstream git '0.8-hal-based' branch. lp: #454175
* debian/patch/series: enable it.

14. By Lionel Le Folgoc

* debian/patches/01_check-brightness-array-icon-index.patch: fixes a
  possible crash when a weird brightness level is reported by the
  backend. lp: #517235
* debian/patch/series: enable it.

13. By Lionel Le Folgoc

* debian/patches/xubuntu-assume-hal-is-available.patch: do not check for hal
  presence on the bus, it'll be spawned automatically on demand. lp: #507097
* debian/patches/series: refreshed.

12. By Lionel Le Folgoc

debian/patches/xubuntu-use-notification-icons.patch: updated to fix
missing icons with notify-osd…

11. By Lionel Le Folgoc

* Merge from Debian testing, remaining Ubuntu changes:
  - debian/patches:
    + xubuntu-use-notification-icons.patch: use our notification-* icons for
      notification bubbles instead of the normal ones LP: #437374
    + 10_pc.patch: added patched files to POTFILES.skip
    + series: created, with these two patches
  - debian/rules: add --with quilt
  - debian/control: build-depends on quilt (>= 0.46-7~)
  - debian/README.source: added.

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
This branch contains Public information 
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