
Created by Lionel Le Folgoc and last modified
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Xubuntu Developers
Xfce4 Session

Recent revisions

53. By Lionel Le Folgoc

releasing version 4.6.2-1ubuntu2

52. By Lionel Le Folgoc

* Import bugfixes from pkg-xfce's svn (will fix lp: #564831):
  - debian/patches:
    + 03_gk-start-with-path and 04_gk-dont-check-running-use-start added,
      change the way it starts gnome-keyring so it correctly runs in the
      session and exports environment variables. closes: #523322
* debian/patches/xubuntu_gnome-keyring-daemon-compat.patch: dropped, improper
  fix for the same issue.

51. By Lionel Le Folgoc

releasing version 4.6.2-1ubuntu1

50. By Lionel Le Folgoc

* Merge from Debian unstable, remaining Ubuntu changes:
  - debian/control: use our Vcs-* fields
  - debian/patches:
    + xubuntu_gnome-keyring-daemon-compat.patch: don't spawn
      gnome-keyring-daemon manually. lp #357346
    + series: refreshed
  - enable GNOME services support:
    + debian/rules: pass --enable-gnome
    + debian/control: b-d on libgconf2-dev.
* debian/patches/02_xubuntu_splash.patch: dropped, unused and unmaintained.
* debian/patches/08_no_tips_on_startup.patch: dropped, should be moved to
* debian/patches/09_fix-typo-logout-dialog.patch: dropped, included upstream.
* debian/watch edited to track Xfce archive reorganisation.
* New upstream release:
  - fix wrong caption in german translation closes: #525499
* debian/README.Debian:
  - add precisions about ConsoleKit/PolicyKit setup.
* debian/control:
  - update standards version to 3.8.4.
  - drop build-dep on quilt.
  - add dep on ${misc:Depends}.
  - update debhelper build-dep for overrides.
* Switch to 3.0 (quilt) source format.
* debian/rules:
  - drop quilt rules.
  - switch to debhelper 7 tiny rules.
  - make intltool ignore c files in .pc quilt dir.

49. By Lionel Le Folgoc

* debian/control: refresh Vcs-* fields for lucid.
* debian/patches/xubuntu_gnome-keyring-daemon-compat.patch: don't spawn
  gnome-keyring-daemon manually. lp: #357346
* debian/patches/series: include it.

48. By Lionel Le Folgoc

* debian/patches:
  - 09_fix-typo-logout-dialog.patch: remove an extra character that breaks
    formatting with de_DE locale (LP: #431849)
  - series: include this new patch.

47. By Lionel Le Folgoc

* Merge from Debian unstable, remaining Ubuntu changes:
  - debian/control: use our Vcs-* fields
  - debian/patches:
    + 02_xubuntu_splash.patch: install the xubuntu session splash
    + 08_no_tips_on_startup.patch: don't show the tips screen on first log in
    + series: refreshed
  - enable GNOME services support:
    + debian/rules: pass --enable-gnome
    + debian/control: b-d on libgconf2-dev.
* debian/patches:
  - 07_fix-autostart-editor-crash.patch: dropped, fixed upstream another way
  - 09_xfce4-session-enabletcp-defaultvalue.patch: dropped, included upstream.

46. By Lionel Le Folgoc

* debian/patches/:
  - 09_xfce4-session-enabletcp-defaultvalue.patch: disable by default
    security/EnableTcp property ("Manage remote connections"), Xfce #5126.
  - series: refreshed.

45. By Lionel Le Folgoc

* Merge Xfce 4.6.0 final with Debian experimental, remaining Ubuntu changes:
  - debian/control: use our Vcs-* fields
  - debian/patches:
    + 02_xubuntu_splash.patch: install the xubuntu session splash
    + 07_fix-autostart-editor-crash.patch: fix a xfce4-autostart-editor crash
      with desktop files containing a "Type" which is not "Application"
    + 08_no_tips_on_startup.patch: don't show the tips screen on first log in
    + series: refreshed
  - enable GNOME services support:
    + debian/rules: pass --enable-gnome
    + debian/control: b-d on libgconf2-dev.

44. By Mario Limonciello

* debian/patches/08_no_tips_on_startup.patch:
  - Don't show the tips screen on first log in.

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