- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://qastaging/~xubuntu-dev/xfce4-utils/lucid
Branch merges
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Branch information
Recent revisions
- 49. By Lionel Le Folgoc
* debian/
patches/ xubuntu_ update- xdg-config- and-data- dirs.patch: dropped,
not needed (with the changes in xubuntu-default- settings) .
* debian/series: disables it. - 47. By Lionel Le Folgoc
* Merge from Debian testing, remaining Ubuntu changes:
- debian/control:
+ use our Vcs-* fields
+ build-depends on libdbus-glib-1-dev (>= 0.33)
+ allow gnome-screensaver to satisfy the screensaver Recommends. Prevents
derivatives from pulling in xscreensaver. (LP: #264594)
- debian/rules:
+ pass --with-vendor- info=Xubuntu to ./configure
+ do not replace firefox calls with iceweasel
- debian/Xubuntu: added
- debian/patches:
+ xubuntu_update- xdg-config- and-data- dirs.patch: prepend
"/etc/xdg/ xubuntu" to XDG_{CONFIG, DATA}_DIRS to allow
xubuntu-default- settings config files to override upstream ones; also
include /etc/xdg so that any settings that are not defined in the
XDG_CONFIG_ DIRS directory can be defined by /etc/xdg. (LP: #350962)
+ debian/patches/ 04_avoid- xcblib- hang.patch: avoid race condition and
deadlock in libxcb by launching dbus-launch before gnome-screensaver
(which should occur anyhow) (LP: #232364)
+ series: refreshed.
* debian/Xubuntu: replace mailto address with an url to pkg-xfce's website.
* debian/patches:
- 02_use-Xsessions. options- for-ssh- agent-handling. patch refreshed to
patch xinitrc.in.in.
* debian/control:
- update standards version to 3.8.3. - 46. By Cody A.W. Somerville
* Updated following patches to patch scripts/
xinitrc. in.in instead of
xinitrc.in so that they'll actually get used as xinitrc.in is now generated
from xinitrc.in.in:
- debian/patches/ 04_avoid- xcblib- hang.patch,
- debian/patches/ 02_use- Xsessions. options- for-ssh- agent-handling. patch: - 45. By Lionel Le Folgoc
* Merge from Debian unstable, remaining Ubuntu changes:
- debian/control:
+ use our Vcs-* fields
+ build-depends on libdbus-glib-1-dev (>= 0.33)
+ allow gnome-screensaver to satisfy the screensaver Recommends. Prevents
derivatives from pulling in xscreensaver. (LP: #264594)
- debian/rules:
+ pass --with-vendor- info=Xubuntu to ./configure
+ do not replace firefox calls with iceweasel
- debian/Xubuntu: added
- debian/patches:
+ xubuntu_update- xdg-config- and-data- dirs.patch: prepend
"/etc/xdg/ xubuntu" to XDG_{CONFIG, DATA}_DIRS to allow
xubuntu-default- settings config files to override upstream ones; also
include /etc/xdg so that any settings that are not defined in the
XDG_CONFIG_ DIRS directory can be defined by /etc/xdg. (LP: #350962)
+ debian/patches/ 04_avoid- xcblib- hang.patch: avoid race condition and
deadlock in libxcb by launching dbus-launch before gnome-screensaver
(which should occur anyhow) (LP: #232364)
+ series: refreshed. - 44. By Mario Limonciello
Update xubuntu_
update- xdg-config- and-data- dirs.patch to also include
/etc/xdg so that any settings that are not defined in the XDG_CONFIG_DIRS
directory can be defined by /etc/xdg. (LP: #350962) - 43. By Lionel Le Folgoc
* Merge Xfce 4.6.0 final with Debian experimental, remaining Ubuntu changes:
- debian/control:
+ use our Vcs-* fields
+ build-depends on libdbus-glib-1-dev (>= 0.33)
+ allow gnome-screensaver to satisfy the screensaver Recommends. Prevents
derivatives from pulling in xscreensaver. (LP: #264594)
- debian/rules:
+ pass --with-vendor- info=Xubuntu to ./configure
+ do not replace firefox calls with iceweasel
- debian/Xubuntu: added
- debian/patches:
+ xubuntu_update- xdg-config- and-data- dirs.patch: prepend
"/etc/xdg/ xubuntu" to XDG_{CONFIG, DATA}_DIRS to allow
xubuntu-default- settings config files to override upstream ones
+ debian/patches/ 04_avoid- xcblib- hang.patch: avoid race condition and
deadlock in libxcb by launching dbus-launch before gnome-screensaver
(which should occur anyhow) (LP: #232364)
+ series: refreshed. - 42. By Lionel Le Folgoc
* debian/patches:
- xubuntu_update- xdg-config- and-data- dirs.patch: prepend "/etc/xdg/xubuntu"
to XDG_{CONFIG,DATA}_DIRS to allow xubuntu- default- settings config files
to override upstream ones
- 00_xdg_data_dirs. patch: dropped, included in the above one
- series: refreshed. - 41. By Lionel Le Folgoc
* Merge with Debian pkg-xfce UNRELEASED, remaining Ubuntu changes:
- debian/control:
+ use our Vcs-* fields
+ build-depends on libdbus-glib-1-dev (>= 0.33)
+ allow gnome-screensaver to satisfy the screensaver Recommends. Prevents
derivatives from pulling in xscreensaver. (LP: #264594)
- debian/patches/ 00_xdg_ data_dirs. patch: make sure to add /etc/xdg/xubuntu
even if XDG_DATA_DIRS is already set
- debian/patches/ 04_avoid- xcblib- hang.patch: avoid race condition and
deadlock in libxcb by launching dbus-launch before gnome-screensaver
(which should occur anyhow). (LP: #232364)
- debian/patches/ series: refreshed
- debian/rules:
+ pass --with-vendor- info=Xubuntu to ./configure
+ do not replace firefox calls with iceweasel
- debian/Xubuntu: added
* debian/patches/ 02_xfce4- about_return_ version. patch: dropped, merged
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)