
Created by Benjamin Zeller and last modified
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Branch information

Benjamin Zeller
Ubuntu UI Toolkit

Recent revisions

1837. By Benjamin Zeller


1836. By Benjamin Zeller

- Add Ubuntu toolkit shared library
- Move ColorUtils to UbuntuToolkit.

Approved by ubuntu-sdk-build-bot, Zsombor Egri.

1835. By Robert Ancell

Use new QML package name for qml-module-qtfeedback, drop old QML package names.

Approved by ubuntu-sdk-build-bot, Timo Jyrinki, PS Jenkins bot.

1834. By Benjamin Zeller

Fix Bug lp:1540642 "When closing a QML app, there are a bunch of invalid disconnects". Fixes: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1540642.

Approved by ubuntu-sdk-build-bot, Tim Peeters.

1833. By Timo Jyrinki

Add s390x to the unit test skipping architectures.

Approved by ubuntu-sdk-build-bot, Christian Dywan.

1832. By Timo Jyrinki

Fix gles unit test skipping.

Approved by ubuntu-sdk-build-bot, Tim Peeters.

1831. By Cris Dywan

Correctly count only test case results

The result= value is used in suites and results.

Approved by ubuntu-sdk-build-bot.

1830. By Tim Peeters

Disable tests that are blocking the landing.

Approved by ubuntu-sdk-build-bot, Christian Dywan.

1829. By Cris Dywan

unit tests shouldn't use deprecated Dialog.caller

Also fix the warning so it can be caught as fatal.

Approved by ubuntu-sdk-build-bot, Zsombor Egri.

1828. By Zsombor Egri

Specify message severity for the performance logging category.

Approved by ubuntu-sdk-build-bot, Christian Dywan, Zoltan Balogh.

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
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