
Created by Zhang Enwei and last modified
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Zhang Enwei

Recent revisions

172. By Zhang Enwei

Upddate naming and README.md

171. By Zhang Enwei

Update explanation in README.md

170. By Zhang Enwei

fix lp:1524597, add sources key for "Install More Sources:" section

169. By Kyle Nitzsche

This is the 4.11 release.

There are two main changes, both related to the quick start help (local hints).


Currently there are two types of quick start help results:

* A login result specific to a child scope. Now, if the child scope
is not installed, the login result is not displayed.

* A button that takes the user to settings > accounts for a specific account
(for example Google) but not for any particular child scope/app. To suppress
these results in parts of the world where they are not appropriate, you
now modify hints.json for the item to specifically state the locales (ll_CC)
in which the result should NOT display. For example, the following
supresses display of Google account result in zh_CN locale:
    "items": [
            "hide_in_locales": "zh_CN",
            "_title": "<b> Review your Google sync settings</b>",
            "_description": "Adding you Google....",
            "action": {
                "_name": "Add account",
                "uri": "settings:///system/online-accounts"


Apparently 15.04.4 introduces an online accounts change that requireis a
different ServiceName (used to create an online account client).

* Previously the ServiceName was just the fully qualified scope ID, for
example: com.canonical.scopes.fbphotos_fbphotos

* With 15.04.4, the ServiceName also requires the provider, for example:
com.canonical.scopes.fbphotos_fbphotos_facebook ('facebook' is the provider)

Aggregator scopes whose quick start help provides a login button for
child scopes that are updated to 15.04.4 online accounts *must* change
the ServiceName for the specific result in the hints.json file to include
the provider.

For example, facebook photos 1.32 uses online accounts 15.04.4. photos-scope
hints.json is now (note ServiceName includes provider ("faceboook") at the end:
        "items": [
                "_title": "<b> Add your account</b>",
                "art": "facebook.png",
                "oaccount": {
                    "ServiceName": "com.canonical.scopes.fbphotos_fbphotos_facebook",
                    "ServiceType": "com.canonical.scopes.fbphotos_fbphotos",
                    "ProviderName": "facebook",
                    "QueryScope": "com.canonical.scopes.fbphotos_fbphotos",
                    "_loggedin": "<b> Successfully logged in</b>"
                "action": {
                    "_name": "Add account",
                    "uri": "settings:///system/online-accounts"

Previoulsy (before facebook photos scope switched to 15.04.4 online accounts) the
ServiceName was only the fully qualified scope ID:
                "ServiceName": "com.canonical.scopes.fbphotos_fbphotos",

168. By Zhang Enwei

release 4.10, fix lp:1604212

167. By Kyle Nitzsche

release version 4.9. fixes fallback handling (bug 1599948)

166. By Kyle Nitzsche

remove reference to icond dir in cmake

165. By Gary.Wang

1.compile time optimization for string(QStringLiteral).
2.load the various json files once aggregator scope startup.
3.specify 'const' keyword for some variable in some cases.
4.pass by reference instead of by value if possible.
5.don't allocated memory(make_shared) based on local variable to avoid copy constructor.
6 remove duplicate obj creation.
7.fix invalid pointer for us::Category::SCPtr when look_up is called.
8.remove redundant files.

164. By Kyle Nitzsche

scope-agg projects no longer require a separate hints child scope to
provide quick start help or to provide the no netork of the no location
message. All scopes rebasing on 4.8 must change their hints.json file
since the structure is now chagned.

See 4.8-rebase-local-hints-README.md for complete details.

163. By Kyle Nitzsche

merge branch with many changes:
* in handle_child_scope_results(), check if the query is still
  valid. If not, then return.
* do not save ptrs to categories. Instead, use from shell if already registered, else register and then use it from shell.
* feature testing with some new parts and some fixes

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