
Created by Marco Trevisan (Treviño) and last modified
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bzr branch lp://qastaging/~3v1n0/notify-osd/fix-empty-newlines-appending
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Branch information

Marco Trevisan (Treviño)
Notify OSD

Recent revisions

510. By Marco Trevisan (Treviño)

Merging changelog from landing silo

509. By Marco Trevisan (Treviño)

Bubble: Indentation fixes

508. By Marco Trevisan (Treviño)

Bubble: strip body text when adding it

507. By Marco Trevisan (Treviño)

Bubble: don't append new lines when receiving empty bodies

Delay the addition of new lines until there's some real content to append.

506. By Marco Trevisan (Treviño)

Stack: indentation fix

505. By Marco Trevisan (Treviño)

Stack: don't allow a different sender to replace a notification that has been requested by someone else

504. By Marco Trevisan (Treviño)

Stack: don't overridde a bubble id if this has been provided by the call

This fixes the case where we want to replace a notification with a given
ID that is about to show or currently visible.

503. By CI Train Bot Account

Releasing 0.9.35+16.04.20151201-0ubuntu1

502. By Lars Karlitski

bubble_set_icon: allow absolute paths in the icon name field Fixes: #1520667
Approved by: Sebastien Bacher

501. By CI Train Bot Account

Releasing 0.9.35+16.04.20151118-0ubuntu1

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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