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- bzr branch lp://qastaging/~hudson-openstack/nova/trunk
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Branch information
- Owner:
- OpenStack Infra
- Project:
- OpenStack Compute (nova)
- Review team:
- Nova Core security contacts
- Status:
- Development
Recent revisions
- 1617. By Johannes Erdfelt
The xenapi driver currently names VDIs in the form "Glance image %d". In cases of failures or other troubleshooting, it's difficult to differentiate VDIs from each other. This patch changes the VDI name to match the instance name.
- 1616. By Rick Harris
This patch adds flavor filtering, specifically the ability to flavor on minRam, minDisk, or both, per the 1.1 OSAPI spec.
In addition, this patch refactors instance_
type_get_ all to return a *list* of instance_types instead of a *dict*. This makes it more consistent with the rest of the DB API. - 1615. By William Wolf
Add next links for server lists in OSAPI 1.1. This adds servers_links to the json responses, and an extra atom:link element to the servers node in the xml response.
- 1614. By Dan Prince
Update exception.
wrap_exception so that all exceptions (not just Error and NovaException types) get logged correctly. - 1613. By Rick Harris
This patch adds instance progress which is used by the OpenStack API to indicate how far along the current executing action is (BUILD/REBUILD, MIGRATION/RESIZE).
For the first cut, we decided to keep it simple and compute progress by counting discrete steps. This is not ideal since some steps, in particular, steps which involve transferring large amounts of data over the network, take *much* longer than others. A better approximation would account for the data-transferred to the destination host, since in most cases, this dominates the time spent.
In addition to adding progress, this patch:
- Allows resizes to use same host for source and destination which is useful for dev environments without a second host. This is enabled by the --allow_
resize_ to_same_ host flag. - Fixes a bug in the glance and migration XenAPI plugins where the VHDs were being copied into the SR in the wrong order. Before the base-copy was copied first meaning it was possible for snapwatchd to see the base-copy before the dependent cow was present. It was treat the base_copy as an unreferenced parent, and GC it.
- Additional refactoring and cleanups.
- 1612. By Chris Behrens
Fixes lp:855115 -- issue with disassociating floating ips.
- 1611. By Sandy Walsh
Keystone support in Nova across Zones.
- 1610. By Vish Ishaya
Fix keys in ec2 conversion to make sure not to use unicode.
- 1609. By Josh Kearney
Adds an 'alternate' link to image views per 3.10 and 3.11 of http://
docs.openstack. org/cactus/ openstack- compute/ developer/ openstack- compute- api-1.1/ content/ LinksReferences .html - 1608. By Johannes Erdfelt
Instance deletions in Openstack are immediate. This can cause data to be lost accidentally.
This branch adds a new configuration flag, reclaim_
instance_ interval. The default of 0 results in the same behavior before this patch, immediate deletion of the instance. Any value greater than 0 will result in the instance being powered off immediately and then later the instance will be reclaimed. New actions, restore and forceDelete allow a previously deleted instance to be restored, or reclaimed immediately.
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)