Created by
Max Brustkern
and last modified
- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://qastaging/utah
Branch merges
Propose for merging
7 branches
proposed for merging into this one.
No branches
dependent on this one.
- Max Brustkern: Pending requested
Diff: 10666 lines (+6316/-1397)85 files modifiedCOPYING (+674/-0)
Makefile (+1/-1)
client-Makefile (+4/-1)
client.py (+15/-0)
conf/utah/uqt-vm-tools.conf (+1/-1)
debian/changelog (+101/-0)
debian/control (+17/-3)
debian/rules (+21/-2)
debian/utah.install (+2/-0)
debian/utah.postinst (+10/-2)
distribute_setup.py (+3/-1)
docs/source/conf.py (+42/-23)
docs/source/reference.rst (+17/-0)
examples/run_install_test.py (+43/-18)
examples/run_test_bamboo_feeder.py (+123/-0)
examples/run_test_cobbler.py (+55/-25)
examples/run_test_vm.py (+38/-14)
examples/run_utah_tests.py (+51/-31)
examples/utah_logs.sh (+3/-1)
examples/utah_syslog.sh (+1/-1)
setup.py (+20/-6)
tests/test_parser.py (+60/-0)
tests/test_preseed.py (+476/-33)
utah/__init__.py (+15/-0)
utah/client/__init__.py (+15/-0)
utah/client/common.py (+70/-32)
utah/client/examples/test_state_partial_all_failed.yaml (+90/-0)
utah/client/examples/test_state_partial_inprogress.yaml (+90/-0)
utah/client/examples/test_state_partial_run_all.yaml (+90/-0)
utah/client/exceptions.py (+15/-0)
utah/client/phoenix.py (+40/-25)
utah/client/result.py (+48/-22)
utah/client/runner.py (+66/-58)
utah/client/state_agent.py (+15/-0)
utah/client/testcase.py (+73/-51)
utah/client/tests/__init__.py (+14/-0)
utah/client/tests/common.py (+43/-0)
utah/client/tests/manual_privileges.py (+17/-2)
utah/client/tests/test_common.py (+22/-7)
utah/client/tests/test_jsonschema.py (+21/-49)
utah/client/tests/test_misc.py (+15/-0)
utah/client/tests/test_phoenix.py (+25/-10)
utah/client/tests/test_result.py (+22/-5)
utah/client/tests/test_runner.py (+22/-7)
utah/client/tests/test_state_agent.py (+134/-68)
utah/client/tests/test_testcase.py (+46/-31)
utah/client/tests/test_testsuite.py (+45/-23)
utah/client/tests/test_vcs_bzr.py (+15/-0)
utah/client/tests/test_vcs_dev.py (+15/-0)
utah/client/tests/test_vcs_git.py (+15/-0)
utah/client/tests/test_yaml.py (+51/-36)
utah/client/testsuite.py (+31/-13)
utah/commandstr.py (+15/-0)
utah/config.py (+192/-18)
utah/exceptions.py (+15/-12)
utah/group.py (+15/-0)
utah/iso.py (+277/-118)
utah/isotest/data/file_list_di (+23/-23)
utah/isotest/data/file_list_ubiquity (+21/-21)
utah/isotest/iso_static_validation.py (+85/-60)
utah/orderedcollections.py (+90/-0)
utah/parser.py (+211/-0)
utah/preseed.py (+669/-119)
utah/process.py (+20/-5)
utah/provisioning/__init__.py (+15/-0)
utah/provisioning/baremetal/__init__.py (+15/-0)
utah/provisioning/baremetal/bamboofeeder.py (+301/-0)
utah/provisioning/baremetal/cobbler.py (+124/-130)
utah/provisioning/baremetal/exceptions.py (+15/-0)
utah/provisioning/baremetal/power.py (+90/-0)
utah/provisioning/exceptions.py (+15/-0)
utah/provisioning/inventory/__init__.py (+15/-0)
utah/provisioning/inventory/exceptions.py (+15/-0)
utah/provisioning/inventory/inventory.py (+20/-5)
utah/provisioning/inventory/sqlite.py (+87/-52)
utah/provisioning/provisioning.py (+337/-107)
utah/provisioning/vm/__init__.py (+15/-0)
utah/provisioning/vm/exceptions.py (+15/-0)
utah/provisioning/vm/libvirtvm.py (+124/-70)
utah/provisioning/vm/vm.py (+16/-0)
utah/publish.py (+146/-0)
utah/retry.py (+15/-0)
utah/run.py (+142/-34)
utah/timeout.py (+21/-4)
utah/url.py (+182/-17)
Related bugs
Bug #1204251: utah doesn't run test cases because expected ubiquity version isn't happening | Critical | In Progress |
Bug #1204489: utah_done exception when processing state.yaml | Medium | Fix Committed |
Bug #1298026: /var/cache/utah/autorun/inprogress needs to be manually created | Undecided | Fix Committed |
Related blueprints
Recent revisions
- 1146. By Dimitri John Ledkov
paride: set the boot device to cdrom/hd regardless of the arch
- 1145. By Joshua Powers
Instead of failing, we fall back to stable release if no devel exsists.
- 1143. By Joshua Powers
* Various fixes for live-server testing on ppc64 and s390x
* Add workaround for LP: #1822096.
* live-server testing:
- Use a newer way of specifying the public key that will be used to log in
- Add a way to force a subiquity refresh to a specific channel via the
command line. - 1142. By Paride Legovini
Two live-server test changes:
1. Use a newer way of specifying the public key that will be used to log in
2. Add a way to force a subiquity refresh to a specific channel via the
command line.
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)